back when we were next in line

Next In Line (1992)

Afterimage launched their first album in 1992 with their carrier single Next In Line. I thought that the song was utter crap as a musical composition ever since the first time I heard it. But because I'm probably not a reliable sample of my generation's mainstream culture, this pop-rock hit was apparently well-loved by hordes - it topped some charts as i recall.

The composer is a family friend of sorts (I wasn't completely honest about how i felt about his work of course). At that time that Next In Line was popular, I happened to have a chat with him (the face-to-face kind, not the online kind) about his song. He was in his early twenties then. He told me that his intent for writing it was to express the frustrations of young adulthood - the feeling of finally finishing your education and then getting on into what adults call "the real world", then having to live as an adult yourself whether or not (oftentimes not) you were ready or willing. Like you had to shed off your youthful idealism, put yourself in a box and toil for what you hoped would bring you closer to your dreams. He felt that frustration, he said, that his parents never prepared him (and probably never could have) for life, and before he knew it he was out there, next in line.

What has life to offer me
When i grow old?
What's there to look forward to beyond the biting cold?
'Coz they say it's difficult
Yes, stereotypical
You gotta be conventional,
You can't be so radical

So i sing this song to all of my age
For these are the questions we've got to face
For in this cycle that we call life
We are the ones who are next in line.

We are next in line

And we gotta work, we gotta feel,
let's open our eyes and do whatever it takes
And we gotta work, we gotta feel,
let's open our eyes

So i sing this song to all of my age
For these are the questions we've got to face
For in this cycle that we call life
We are the ones who are next in line.

Of course back then, I was fourteen, and though I understood what he said, I couldn't quite yet relate with the sentiments he was talking about.

The composer's reflections actually kinda redeem my initial thoughts of the song. Now that I think about it - especially after I've been thrust into being "next in line" myself - not only do the lyrics make sense, but they sort of relate. But i still think it's crap as a musical composition.

I suppose that we who used to be in our early teens when that song first came out (we who, after our angsty hormone-adjustment years, and after our shock into "the real world", are now in our early thirties) have had to face the questions. And if we searched for them, we got our answers.

back when they played geeks

Given the numerous stereotypical geek roles in teen flicks and TV series, someone fitting had to be cast as the underweight, unpopular, loserly offbeat, right?

Some who played geeks while they were in their teens evolved to be really attractive in their thirties. Who would have thawt they'd grow up to be so hawt?

Geek Role Graduates

Sarah Jessica Parker
is today a fashion icon, best known for her Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City (1998-2004).

Carrie is far stretch from her earlier persona, the social misfit Patty Greene in Square Pegs (1982-83).

Anthony Michael Hall
solidified the 80's teen-movie geek archetype in films such as Sixteen Candles (1984), The Breakfast Club (1995) and Weird Science (1985). In a refreshing twist, he played Wynonah Ryder's buff, blonde jock boyfriend in Edward Scissorhands in 1990. In 1999, he momentarily returned to his geek-role roots as Bill Gates in Pirates of Silicon Valley. His biggest recent claim to fame is lead role Johnny Smith in The Dead Zone (2002-2007). He was also in The Dark Knight (2008) as TV reporter Mike Engel.

John Cusak
played the socially challenged Bryce in Sixteen Candles (1984), one of those various geeks in the company of Farmer Ted (Anthony Michael Hall). Five years later he played the male lead (that is, an unpopular but lovable-once-you-get-to-know-him boy who falls in love with the pretty, popular girl) in one of the most well-loved chick flicks of all time, Say Anything (1989). In the 90's, he graduated into more mature roles as in Grosse Pointe Blank (1997) and Con Air (1997). He's also known as the slightly-hunky-slightly-awkward romantic in films such as America's Sweethearts, Serendpity (2001) and Must Love Dogs (2005).

Robert Downey Jr.
was one of the nerdy perverts in Weird Science. Rumor had it that he was one of the original picks for the role of Molly Ringwald's geeky best friend, Duckie in Pretty in Pink (1987), second choice to Anthony Michael Hall (The part was finally given to Jon Cryer).

Downey was easily spotted as a cutie in his twenties, playing the hot, romantic lead in chick-flicks like Chances Are (1989) and Only You (1994).

He, like John Cusack, seems to have a liking for offbeat roles. His most badass role though has got to be Iron Man (2008).

Can you get any geekier than Patrick Dempsey's Ronald Miller in Can't Buy Me Love (1987)? After years of temporarily fading into the background, he evolved and re-emerged as a TV hottie, beginning with a recurring role in Will and Grace (1998). He is of course best known as Dr. Derek "McDreamy" Shepherd in Grey's Anatomy.

Tai of Clueless (1995) wasn't exactly a geek but was more of a dork - unattractive and unpopular.

After a real-life makeover, Brittany Murphy turned out to be quite a bombshell, as in gorgeous enough to be cast opposite Ashton Kutcher in Just Married or as that sexy waitress in Sin City.

Even as a geek, she was cute. Oscar Winner and cinema sweetheart Reese Witherspoon is now unmistakably glamorous. Back in 1999, she played the neurotic, power-hungry A-student Tracy Flick in Election, and the reserved virgin Anette Hargrove in Cruel Intentions.

back when 'cool' became old skool: '90s jargon

Cool became old skool at a certain point. The formerly outtashape slang words from decades past turn jurassic in the 90's with a surge of hip new 'tudes.

In the time of gettin' jiggy with it and all that, How's it hangin? became the new way to say hello. Or you could simply say Waddup or the even shorter 'Sup.

When you were fine, you answered, I'm good.
When you did great, you said I rock; when you did really great, you said I rule.
When you were glad you'd rave; when you were mad, you'd rant.
There were two terms for what people today call emo. When you were overly emotional, that was called senti. When you were full of issues, that was called angsty, and people sarcastically asked you,Okay ka lang?
If you were really, really upset and angry, like crazy so, you'd go postal.

Sentences were started with dude or girl and punctuated with like.
They were often ended with You get what i mean?, You know what I'm saying? or You dig?
If you dug, you said Word or Totally.
If you felt safe enough to act gay, you said true.
Person A: Dude, this party like sucks, you know what I'm saying?
Person B: Word.
Person X: The new NIN album rocks.
Person Y: Totally.

To dis someone, you retorted, Your face!
Person X: Your dress is fugly.
Person Y: So is your face.
Or you could say "Whatever!" while forming a W with your fingers.
If you were really pissed at somebody who was constantly trippin', you held your palm up and said "Talk to the hand".

Clueless' Cher Horowitz' "As if!" was the new way to express disgust.

When you meant to highlight something, you inserted an exaggerated so or way or the word totally.
Paulie Shore movies are so not funny.
I am
so buying myself those Skechers.
You are
way obsessed with that wahini.
They are
totally busted.
... Or you added the suffix -a** , or the prefix mondo- to whatever adjective you were using.
That's one uglya** dog.
It was such a
mondo boring movie.
You said something ironic and appended it with NOT! or Psyche!.
That's one slammin' outfit. NOT!
I love you too.

To illustrate a point, you said, as in.
He's deep. As in way below sea level deep.
She's so selfish. As in so full of herself, spoiled-rotten selfish.
I hate it. As in.

The lazy way to return a compliment was to say Back at ya.
There's also ditto, as heard from Patrick Swayze in Ghost.
Person A: Take care.
Person B: Back at ya.
Person X: I love you.
Person Y: Ditto.

Who's your daddy? is a taunt; you could also say What's my name, bitch?

A bitch was no longer just a disagreeable woman; it also meant someone (male or female) you subordinated.
A girlfriend was no longer just someone you dated; it's what girls called other girls who were their friends. And though it would have been insulting a decade earlier, it wasn't so whacked anymore to call your girlfriend a ho.

An attractive female was called a betty.
A guy who had the major jones for such a bodacious babe could go schwing! while he checked out her rack.

A baldwin was a hunky, attractive guy, also called a hottie.
A barney was the opposite.
A playa was an unfaithful guy.
A scrub
(as TLC sang) is a guy who thinks he's fine and is also known as a busta.

Things you called your friends

dude / dudette
homeboy / homegirl
[my] man
(for males)
Things you did with your friends

get down
get tight
get jiggy
grab grub
hang (not hang out; just hang)
kick it

Props (short for proper credit) or snaps meant appreciation.
My bad
was the new I'm sorry.

To make an informal invitation, you asked Are you coming with? and dropped the direct object; to acquiesce, you said, I'm good to go.

Slammin' was the new cool. Wicked was good, badass was really good.
'90s ways to say "Cool"

(said in the Bill and Ted manner)
da bomb
(said with a Ninja Turtle accent)
(so) fine
radical / rad


(to) bomb
bum / bummer
doped up
f***ed up
(to) reek
socially suicidal
(to) suck
(to) tank

It was then that we observed a (mocked) awareness of political correctness, like so:

"Visually impaired" : blind
"Hard of hearing" : deaf
"Adult female" / "womyn" : woman
"Male parent" : father
"Male offspring" : son
"Female offspring of a ruling monarch" : princess

But"politically correct" terms were easily pushed to amusing absurdities:

"Socially challenged" : antisocial / wallflower
"Intellectually challenged" : stupid
"Ethnically predisposed" : promdi
"Vertically impaired" : short
"Calorically challenged" : fat
"Technically hymenally intact" : virgin

back when johnny dated kate

They used to look so good together.

Johnny Depp and Kate Moss, around the mid-'90s

back when i went to university in the mid to late '90s

headlines and events

It felt somewhat like the lull of sorts after the tumultuous Cory transition after the Martial Law years. President Eddie's administration turned out to be relatively safe and stable (despite the crime wave, that is). Of course there was (and always will be) an unhappy opposition, but people were generally less upset about Ramos' term than about those of the two presidents before him (or of the two after him, for that matter). Though tibaks and professional protesters still always found something to rally about, I regret there weren't any majorly significant rallies or pivotal battles at that time.

Back in the 1950s, the gravest offense teens most often committed in school was chewing gum. In the 90s, there began an entirely different problem: students have been known to carry and discharge firearms in school. The world was shocked by tragedies such as the suicide of Jeremy Wade Dele (on whose story Pearl Jam based the lyrics of Jeremy), the shootings at the University of Texas and the Columbine Massacre.

Here at home, though there weren't any campus massacres, there have been shootings. Among the victims was U.P. student Nino C., shot point-blank in broad daylight, right at the A.S. , in the presence of his friends and many witnesses. The assassin was never found.

It wasn't uncommon in those days either to hear about university campus homicides that were frat hazings or rumbles gone wrong. There must have been at least one victim every semester. So many young lives wasted for every case - one dies, a whole lot of others go to jail for life.

Take a breath while I switch to something lighter.

On international headlines - The euro was introduced as a sort of common currency for Europe. Michael Jordan returned to the NBA (and starred in Space Jam), OJ Simpson was acquitted.

An infamous (but globally entertaining) scandal erupted involving a tin of Altoids, US President Bill Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Clinton and Monica were said to have been the best-selling Halloween costumes that year.

And there was another fiasco, one involving the royal house of Windsor: Prince Charles' affair with Camilla Parker-Bowles. His marriage to Lady Diana Spencer thus ended in a divorce in 1996 - this was a shock to the generation that witnessed their fairy-tale (or so it seemed) romance in the 80s. But all that was quickly overshadowed by the news of Diana's death by a car crash in '97. The whole world mourned the passing of the people's princess.

Within a few weeks of Diana's death, another iconic figure, Mother Teresa of Calcutta died.

And oh, the triple-tailed comet Hale-Bopp, last seen some 4,300 years ago, visited for a couple of months to say hello. Spectacular.

Some time after that, there was the once-in-a-lifetime visual alignment of the 7 other planets, as in you could see them lined up in a vast stretch across the night sky.

On the local page, the MRT finished construction and that made commuting so much more convenient.

We witnessed the Philippine Centennial in 1998 - that meant commemorative plays, tribute albums and docus on Rizal, Bonifacio et al ... and for us youngsters, celebratory rock concerts, street parties and reasons to get wasted.


Technology made some significant advancements through the mid and late '90s - and all with the Y2k scare hanging over our heads.

By this time almost everybody was on Windows - everybody who used IBMs, that is. It was also around that time that candy-colored iMacs entered the scene.

Intel's Pentium microprocessor was born. Intel inside became a popular slogan.

Then came a useful storage device: the zip disk. But CDs soon became cheaper and more commonplace, and most importantly, writable. The newly-available CD burner thus heralded the demise of the zip.

The internet grew rapidly and became more accessible. Modems and DSL made "faster" linkup possible (though compared to today, that was still pretty slow). Terms like WordlWideWeb, html and dot became part of everyday jargon. E-mails and chatrooms were new, modern venues for communication. It became an in thing to have an e-mail address and /or a personal website.

More people used pagers; units came out in various colors by then. But pagers were soon phased out of existence as the more useful cellular phones became affordable. Cellphones were going digital so text messaging was preferred. TXt spLng Bgan 2 2rn Uth N2 idjits.

Digital cameras were already in use. DVDs and MP3 players also came into existence, though were not yet practical as they were pricey.


We still had our regular doses of MTV of course. That's where we picked up hints on music, pop culture and fashion.

That '70s Show and Seinfeld were some favorites. Baywatch put on the red meat and became the most watched TV show ever. It was also in that period that we began to be pestered by the likes of Barney and the Teletubbies. And in-between came the numerous infomercials.

Monday nights, we watched Mulder and Scully on The X-Files. Everybody loves a good conspiracy theory and the refreshing thought that an attractive single man and attractive single woman can see each other every day and not hit the sack together (Or so we thought).

Tuesday evenings, we hung out with the gang at Dawson's Creek.

Wednesdays were reserved for everybody's favorite F.R.I.E.N.D.S. We just had to know - would Ross ever get back together with Rachel? Who does her hair? Will Monica ever get hitched? Smelly cat, what are they feeding you? Could TV be any more 90s than F.R.I.E.N.D.S.?

Every decade has got to have a hit hospital drama. Thursdays were thus spent in the E.R.

And Friday nights - well, Friday nights were for going out. In previous years, TV stations would put nice programs on Friday and Saturday primetime because that's when people were supposedly home (must have been a attitude carried over from the Martial Law years). By the late '90s there were so many hangout places and things to do, most people preferred spending their Friday and Saturday evenings out. That's why the most interesting thing on Friday TV were the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.


Sabado nights ... Sabado nights ... so goes the beer commercial that featured then-hotties Paolo Abrera and Ina Raymundo. According to many, Malate was the place to par-tay. According to others, Makati was it - Hard Rock, the newly-opened Fashion Cafe.

Rave parties were introduced into the scene and a whole raver subculture emerged.

By this time, most video games were already in 3d for maximum satisfaction. Speaking of which, the new-improved Lara Croft became a virtual sex symbol (No, not Angie but the video game character; at that time Angie was a lesser-known B-movie actress).

It was also in those years that a wave of more violent, more complex games came in: Final Fantasy VII, Resident Evil, Warcraft. MMORPGs were born and a gamer subculture was taking shape.

Nintendo lost the monopoly on consoles with the introduction of Sony Playstation. And enter, Sega Saturn (and Sonic the Hedgehog).

For safer modes of indoor recreation, think Tamagotchi. Pokemon.

And stop by the Neoprint booth when you go to the mall.


I couldn't help noticing the increase of disaster movies such as Deep Impact, Armageddon, Dante's Peak, Volcano, and Independece Day. The biggest disaster movie of all turned out to be the biggest movie, period. That's James Cameron's Titanic, starring Kate and Leo (speaking of, the late '90s was a strand of several blockbuster movies for Leo; the only catch was he never won an award).

Though it was based on a Jane Austen Classic, Clueless (starring Alicia Silverstone) immortalized an exaggerated snapshot of the times. Teen flicks like Dazed and Confused and the Silent Bob and Jay series were popular cult flicks. A whole lot of other teen B-movies were produced (some of them recycling themes from the 80's) as well as slasher films featuring young stars.

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck were not just eye-candy in Good Will Hunting. That movie launched their previously struggling careers into star status. The enthusiastic Oscar acceptance speech must have helped too.

George Lucas came up with a special edition, digitally-mastered, 20th aniversary release of the Star Wars Trilogy. Shortly after was the showing of the heavily-anticipated Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. Though there was much excitement about it - like 20 years worth of - it didn't quite deliver as expected. Still, Darth Maul rocked.

Move over, Vader. The face of evil, 1999.


Music became complex and interesting in the late '90s. Artists began to refuse being cubbyholed into genres so their explorations produced sub-genres produced sub-genres and crossed over to form hybrids.

For example. The term "alternative music" was fast becoming a misnomer as the genre was becoming more and more mainstream. For that matter, alternative was no longer characterized by a certain sound. It ranged from hard rock to electronica (which itself branched out into several tributaries such as trip hop, drum and bass, rave and trance) to shoegazer (Jesus and Mary Chain, Oasis) to light dream pop (Sarah McLachlan, Tori Amos, Sugar Hiccup) to skate punk (Greenday, Offspring) to cute-sounding indie bands with female vocalists (Letters to Cleo, Moonpools and Caterpillars) to mad angsty chicks who can't actually sing (Courtney Love, Alanis).

Rock and metal did a lot of interbreeding since the 80's and spawned a lot of bastards that showed up in the late 90s. A hybrid of rap and metal, rap metal (which even FrancisM explored), and the even more aggressive hardcore rap / rapcore (Rage Against The Machine, Beastie Boys - who both, by the way, came to the country for concerts) were fast becoming popular . There was industrial metal (Nine Inch Nails, Filter and German act Rammstein). Marilyn Manson haunted the airwaves with his own brand of edgy shock rock that came with disturbing music videos). And then there was nu metal /alternative metal (as heard from Korn and Limp Bizkit, and local artists Greyhoundz, Slapshhock and Cheese [that's what Queso used to be called] ). There was also goth rock, which had a following in the growing goth subculture. Hybrids of rock and ska were incarnated in third wave ska (No Doubt, Save Ferris) and Ska punk (Reel Big Fish, the Mighty Mighty Bosstones).

Grunge was on a decline; it slowly gave way to what was later called Post-Grunge - a sound clearly influenced by grunge, but was more skilfully played, polished, radio-friendly and mass-appealing. Think Bush, Silverchair, Collective Soul, Candlebox.

Hip Hop too was diversifying. The deaths of Tupac and B.I.G. triggered many tributes. Those tributes catapulted artists like Sean Combs (otherwise known as Puffy) into stardom. Gangsta Rap crawled out of the ghetto and into the mainstream.

The late 90's marked the invasion of BritPop. Bands like Weezer and Oasis made their antitheses to grunge with more positive lyrics and bright instrumentation.

But the biggest Brit act to storm the world was the Spice Girls. They really grabbed attention with their two albums, eye-catching music videos, elevator shoes and lousy-ass flop movie.

Boy bands
, girl bands and teen bands accumulated around the globe, ad nauseum. Boyzone, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, 911, Fiv5, NSync, All Saints, B*witched, Vengaboys, Steps, et al. Let's not leave out kid bands like Hanson and the Moffats.

But of course, who would forget the time Britney sashayed into our lives wearing a short plaid skirt and pigtails? Back in the day she was still ... uh, still. She came in a wave of blonde female solo artists with Jessica, Mandy, Christina, Leanne.

Classic Britney

And wait - can you, like, do the Macarena?


The not-so-put-together-look of grunge was still slightly going on; the runways were endorsing heroin chic. A bad hair day could sometimes pass for fashionably unkempt.

The sloppy oversized jeans were slowly phasing out. Hip Hop fashion was morphing into polished, tailored, high-fashion ghetto-fab, as popularized by the likes of P. Diddy (who was then known as Puffy) and Lil Kim (I suppose it's partly because the artists were growing up and opted for more mature looks).

Accessories - silver was the in bling. It was also quite common to see men and women wearing bandanas on their heads.
Tattoos and body piercings became socially and morally acceptable, even for young teens (most popular were facial and navel piercings).

Eve Salvail

The Rachel and long, layered, super-straight hair were desirables. For men, the skinhead was gaining popularity - particularly convenient for young men who disliked the required ROTC crew cut, or not-so-young men who had receding hairlines. Both male and female ravers though seemed to like ultra-short-cropped colored hair.

Thanks to the likes of Wynonah Ryder (then a rising star) and Kate Moss (then the hot new young model), it became fashionable to look like an undernourished waif.

Oversized tops gave way to darted, tailored tops, baby tees and tank tops. Babydoll dresses made a comeback (from the 1970s, only without the psychedelic print); they were worn with boots. Metallic blouses made an appearance for a while but didn't last long.

Corduroy pants (another element from the 70s) and pedal-pushers / capris were back. Khakis, camouflage print and cargos were ubiquitous. It was also then that low-rise jeans gained popularity (to show off those tatts and piercings, I bet).

Slipper-shoes became a familiar item - those were sneakers or flats with open heels (They were ugly, but they were comfy and convenient). Platforms and pillar-heeled shoes were the thing for ladies. And speaking of footwear, hello Birkenstock.

I must mention the lipstick - red, pink and brights were out, lipgloss was passe. Brownish or nude shades were good, and they had to be matte. Makeup moguls came up with lipstick variations that "won't kiss off". Natural and earth tones were en vogue, body glitter was fab.

Something interesting was goth fashion (and the goth subculture). Dark clothes, makeup and everything.

and then ...

At the very end of the decade we had these massive street parties on New Year's Eve to welcome the new millenium. After spamming people jokes about how our computers and electronics were expected to melt down, we partied like it was 1999. Oh wait - It was 1999.

Some of us had the privilege of hearing the Philippine President speak at our graduation. And that was Erap. Wow, thanks. We commenced into a country with Erap as president (Say loser while holding your fingers in the shape of an L on your forehead).

The economy was so screwed, layoffs and mergers were common. It was challenging to find ideal jobs after grad. And that is a whole other story.

My Fave '90s Movies

(Reposted from my other blog)

Thursday thirteen: '90s movies

I love the 90's - that was my teenager decade. I loved watching movies back then, I watched at least one every single week. Of course cinema rates back then were much more pocket-friendly.

And here's my 13:
  1. Forrest Gump (1994). I thought it was both touching and brilliant in a not-too-deep sort of way.
  2. How To Make An American Quilt (1995). I loved the visual and verbal poetry.
  3. Before Sunrise (1995). Rare. Ethan Hawte!
  4. Schindler's List (1993). I think Schindler's List is on everybody's.
  5. Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992).
  6. The Shawshank Redemption (1994). I cut class when i watched this. Wasn't disappointed.
  7. A Few Good Men (1992). Linear but powerful.
  8. The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993). Love the premise, the conflict and the Burtonesque eye-candy.
  9. James and the Giant Peach (1996). Tim Burton + Roald Dahl = Happy kid movie.
  10. Reality Bites (1994). Has a memorable hit song too.
  11. Romeo + Juliet (1996). It got me hooked the first scene the moment I realized they used the original Shakespeare text set in 90's USA. Stunning visuals besides.
  12. Saving Private Ryan (1998). I'm a sucker for WW2 flicks.
  13. Good Will Hunting (1997). Watched it at least twice. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck's Oscar acceptance speech was just as remarkable.

I realize that there are a ton of 90's movies that I like. Here are otheres that don't quite make it to my top 13 but are otherwise memorable: The Matrix (199), The Devil's Advocate (97), American Beauty (99), Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace (99), 54 (98), Edward Scissorhands (90), Clueless (95), Gattaca (97), Titanic (97), Se7en(95) , Braveheart (95), Beauty and the Beast (91), Jurassic Park (93), Pulp Fiction (94), The Fugitive (93), The Lion King (94), Speed (94), Independence Day (96), There's Somethig About Mary (98) , Boogie Nights (97), Pretty Woman (90), With Honors (94), Sleepers, LA Confidetial, Fight Club, Scent of A Woman (92), Alladin(92), The Man In The Iron Mask (97), Ever After (98), Titanic (97), My Best Friend's Wedding(96), Great Expectations (98).

back when i did high school in the early 1990's

When i was a student, I wanted to ask alumnae of our Alma Mater how it was being a teenager in the decades gone by -
How different was it? Where were you when the EDSA revolution erupted? What was it like during the Martial Law years? Is it true that girls made their skirts to be hand-span lengths back in the sixties? I'm pretty sure certain elements of high school and university life have stayed constant for every generation, but I'm interested in the details that are characteristic to each.

I pretended that a kid would come up to me and ask about how high school was like back in the 90s. I fancy that this'll be my (lengthy) reply.

the clime of the time

I was in secondary school in the early nineties. At that time, President Cory was taking a bow from her transition term and President Eddie became the new head honcho in '92. Even 6 years after Marcos was ousted, the country was still recovering from wounds of the dictatorship years. The state of the nation was rather struggling; the country was buffeted by numerous calamities and successive heinous crimes.

The peso was around 30 to a dollar. A weekly allowance of P 500-600 was pretty decent for a high school student.

Given the country's scrabbling stability, there were power outages every single day. Every. Freakin'. Single. Day. Evening blackouts were quite common, so scrupulous students (myself not included) had to get their homework done before dark, or do it the next morning before school. It was funny that there was a government-produced Noli Me Tangere TV series on primetime, supposedly to aid high school students appreciate Rizal's novel, but we often couldn't even watch it anyway.

Aside from providing us with a good excuse to give our teachers as to why we failed to complete our homework, the power outages somewhat stretched our creativity. For example, you find many (useless) things to do with a candle. Of course the blackouts also gave us a reason to hang out with our friends in the streets on a weekday.

There were water shortages every single day as well. People had to work around water schedules to manage their day-to-day lives; large drums were staples in most homes and schools.

I was among those unfortunate enough to have a water shortage on the day that we were supposed to dissect a frog for Biology. We had no choice but to take our frogs home as an assignment. Our teacher gave us instructions - and each a jar with a formaldehyde-drowned frog. Unlucky me, my jar had a loose cap and I spilled the froggy formaldehyde onto myself on the way home. And disgusting as disgusting gets, cutting an amphibian open, on my own, at home, was a vomit-worthy moment worth forgetting.

natural disasters

For some reason, a succession of natural disasters plagued the country in those years like never before or since (environmentalists blame global warming), and classes were canceled quite a few times. There was the magnitude 9 earthquake of July 1990. That earthquake was said to have triggered the Mount Pinatubo eruption a year later, which covered the landscape with a sheet of ash for weeks (years in some parts of the country). Then there was one supertyphoon after another, including the one that precipitated the odious Ormoc flash floods and others that caused landslides in Baguio et al.

growing environmental awareness

Naturally at that time, we were being made more and more aware of the global environmental situation - the Ozone hole, greenhouse gasses, global warming; reuse, refuse and recycle - stuff that were just uncovered in the late 80's and therefore unheard of in our parents' school days. Environmental drives, recycling campaigns and junk art contests were becoming more and more commonplace.

and other disasters

On top of those natural calamities were a series of disasters by human negligence - plane crashes, water mishaps and mass deaths. It was as if there was a curse of sorts on the country - but I don't want anyone to think those days were bleak. They were actually quite fun.

Dolly, the first cloned mammal.

international news

Outside the country, the headlines included the Gulf War, the Seige of Sarajevo. Nelson Mandela was released in 1990 and then elected as the first black president of South Africa a few years later. In the US, Bill Clinton trumped Bush Senior.

My fave news event would be the unification of Germany. I still remember the eerie, sublime feeling watching footage of civilians chipping away chunks of the wall.

school girls and school boys

In the 90's, private school girls liked their skirts of their uniforms long (as far as i know, this was the case for every girls' school). For some reason we found long skirts cute - it's unique to the 90's me thinks. Short uniforms were old school. It's the baffling reverse of how it has been in other decades where skirts were the shorter the better and girls rolled their waistbands after inspection to raise their hemlines. In our case, we rolled our waistbands for inspection. Some of us had hems just a few inches from the ground, stopping just where the slouchy socks began. I found it so funny that the private schools admin were actually complaining about how long our' skirts were, while just a few years before that they readily reprimanded students for simply exposing their their knees.

We wore our socks slouched or "pulled down", no folds, no rolls - a half-inch fold at the top at the most. We toted our fabric hobo bags, Coleman jugs and Trapper Keepers.

All our guy friends were ugly because they had to wear these hideous white-side-wall crew cuts that were required in CAT / ROTC, which were mandatory in those years.

Sometimes we arranged what we called soirees, inviting students of the opposite sex from another school. Ateneo boys have always been popular in girls' private schools like the one I went to. Back then, AHS boys didn't have those pastel-blue uniforms they wear today (they could come to school wearing shorts or sandals, as long as they had the prescribed collar and socks). The La Salle boys were also likeable - even if they weren't as good at English and though they were supposedly mostly gay. I remember that among the popular guys back then were the Bondoc boys (who are not related to each other, probably don't know each other, and only share the same surname) - commercial model Juan Miguel from LSGH (who is now an actor, more popularly known as Onemig), and AHS Dulaang Sibol's Jimmy (who is now a recording artist).

practical technology

It was not common for students to tote electronic gadgets in those days - only businessmen and doctors did that. There were of course the rare, few, rich-kids who had their cellphones - meaning analog devices that were larger than soda cans with these thick, awkward, non-retractable antennae. If we needed to make emergency phone calls, we fell in line for a P 2.oo / 5 minute conversation on a public payphone.

Some kids had pagers which were practically useless except for receiving mush and spam (Come on, what was a highschooler supposed to receive on a pager ? Notice of an emergency surgery? Alerts for an emergency meeting? More like Take your vitamins, love Mommy).

The internet was still taking baby-steps in those days and had yet no practical use for students. Back then, we actually had to go to the library. We had to manually search for books and read them to find what we wanted. We took notes and wrote drafts. A research paper that a student of today could take 30 minutes to copy, paste and paraphrase would have taken us 3 days to compose. And our parents and teachers already chided us for being lazy for photocopying library books. Ha.

We used 5.5 minifloppies with our monochrome- monitor PCs that may take several minutes to boot. We were just getting to know the 3.5 microfloppy and the mouse and were beginning to learn MS Word and familiarize ourselves with Windows. We had to unlearn those Wordstar commands that we wasted time learning a few years earlier. We borrowed our fathers' laptops if we needed to cram for a paper; back then "laptops" were massive box-type contraptions, some of which were too heavy for high school girls to place on their laps.


We chatted face-to-face with our friends as we didn't yet have web messengers and SMS sending.

Yakking on the phone for hours on-end was considered a teenager thing. We spoke to each other on the phone, and spoke to each other on the phone, and spoke to each other on the phone. It was a necessary bonding device; if you wanted to be in the loop, get closer to someone, discuss something privately, you conversed on the phone. Call waiting and call conferencing had just dawned, which made things a bit more interesting since you could have a three-way conversation now.

Older people used to remark how courtship and the loveletter died because of the telephone. Well, you could today say that the telephone is dying because of the www.

We still actually wrote each other letters, though certainly not as eloquently as our grandparents did. At least we knew how to spel. w/out uCng shrt cts, I mean. Girls wrote each other at least, and boys wrote girls (but obviously not each other). For a while there was this fad of using glossy magazine pages as stationery. Yes, despite its derelict appeal, that actually used to be cool.

Troll dolls

television and movies

Despite the blackouts, we got to watch Beverly Hills 90210 (It was already bad back then, still it was better than the 2008 version of 90210).

My So-Called Life
, Saved By the Bell
and California Dreams were other teen-series favorites. Highlander and Lois and Clark were primetime hits.

And of course, we had our regular doses of MTV. Local recording artists like Viktoria came up with (*cough* bad) music videos that aired on MTV Asia - which was gutsy, but not really something to be proud of. The Real World was the first reality show, and it was the only one then.

Jurassic Park must have been the biggest movie of 1993. The CGI dinosaurs were credible enough to make you gasp in wonder and cower in fear. A few other notable early-90's movies were Speed, Hook, Forrest Gump and the Nightmare Before Christmas. A personal favorite is Reality Bites - now it isn't exactly a great movie, but I found it remarkable because it's so Gen-X.

how we rolled with the homies

Parents were paranoid about letting their kids out at night in those days because heinous crimes were very, very rampant. There were just too many rape-slays and murders involving young victims: The Vizcondes, Maureen Hultman and Roland John Chapman, Cochise and Bebom, Katrina Lopez, Eldon Maguan, the Chong sisters, you can include the numerous young men who died in hazing rituals. It seemed a teenager was murdered somewhere every two weeks.

Hubert Webb
became a celebrity "criminal" (his culpability is still questioned to this day) for his involvement in the Vizconde Massacre.

Still we managed to go on our non-heinous Saturday gimmicks.

Weekends, we may run into each other at the malls. There was only one Greenbelt in Ayala Center then. There was yet no Glorietta; what it is today used to be a string of shops and centers with an open area in the middle (pretty much like today's Boni High Street but less classy) - parts of it used to be called Quad. What used to be called the "Glorietta" was this fountain park that is now obscured in the grassy space between the present-day Greenbelts. There was no Alabang Town Center; just a large lot where Big Bang was held every December.

SM Megamall was rather new then. It had just opened the first-ever ice-skating rink. That rink was a big hit and it was virtually a must for every barkada to check it out.

What we did at the malls? Oh sometimes we just hung out while we ate Dairy Queen and shawarma. People who just hung around with no purpose were called mallrats.

We also watched movies, of course. Flicks then were so affordable (under a hundred bucks), especially if you went cheapskate and opted for de luxe seats instead of premier.

The malls had video game places like Glicos in Quad; among the popular games were StreetFighter and Mortal Kombat (I even remember there was this cool-looking thing that featured 3-d hologram fighters, I thought it was cutting edge but it didn't catch on for some reason). There was an influx of violent games and the more violent ones were gaining popularity. Pretty soon the video game industry needed to create a rating system.

Saturday evening gimmick places included discos, upgraded carry-overs from the 1980's - Ozone, Mars, Equinox. Minors weren't supposed to be allowed in those places but highschoolers got in somehow.

For those who didn't dig disco, Club Dredd was the far out choice. It was still in km 19 Edsa in those days.


We used a walkman for portable music - the non-digital kind with a cassette player. We actually bought our music in those days. CDs were still a bit expensive, so you treated your CDs with the utmost reverence and handled them with a plastic tong-like instrument and a flannel cloth.

For free music, Campus Radio 97.1 used to be the cool station to tune in to (I know it's disgusting now, but trust me, it used to be fine). If you weren't into mainstream, you plugged in to NU 107 (or LA 105 if you were a jologs rocker).

There were quite a few boy bands already - except they weren't yet called that. Boyz II Men, Bel Biv Devoe, Color Me Badd and of course, the New Kids On the Block.

Dance crazes. Every decade has got to have its trademark dance fads, whether it was spawned by MTV or pimped by noontime variety shows. In the 1990s it was Madonna's Vogue - inspired by the flamboyant music video with the hair, the cone-shaped bra designed by Gaultier and all. After that came Chimo Bayo's Xta Si / Xta No, Simply Red's Stars and Black Machine's How Gee.

Techno was on the rise - dance music with rap and flashy accent electronica. C+C Music Factory, Technotronic. Things That Make You Go Hmmm. There were also these techno-ized rehash of popular songs such as Kalapana's Hurt mixed by local DJ Ouch. The "national anthem" (i.e., the song most often played at discos and events) for a time was a remix of REM's Losing My Religion.

I recall there was this weirdly embarrassing way of dancing that became popular, in which you included a sort of sign language with your hands and interpreted the lyrics of the song while you danced. So, for example, when Losing My Religion played (and after cheering that everybody's favorite song was on), as Michael Stipe sang ...

Oooh life ... - you held up your fingers in "L"s;
It's bigger
... - you made a "big" circular gesture with your arms;
than you ... - you pointed away from yourself, and so on.

From the old-skool style of the 80s, rap became more danceable in the 90s. Vanilla Ice was cool for a while, but he froze over after a second album and a sucky movie. Kid rappers KrissKross taught everyone how to Jump, jump and made a fashion statement with their reversed clothing. Mark Wahlberg was then known as Marky Mark of the Funky Bunch (or otherwise as the sexy new CK model with the pecs). FrancisM was the most popular local rapper; Andrew E, Michael V and the others who had suddenly sprouted out like fungi had nothing on him.

A newly-popular sub-genre called Hip Hop was regular radio fare. It was a danceable, aggressive type of R&B - a lot less accent electronica, a lot more bass, a little more explicit lyrics. Tupac, Snoop Dogg, Coolio, Young Black Teenagers, House of Pain.

Rock music had evolved. Thanks to the likes of Nirvana and Pearl Jam, Grunge was to glam rock as punk was to metal. Grunge gained popularity because it was a lot less pretentious and more laid back, more honest compared to 80's glam rock / power metal (it was in fact an anti-glam metal sort of thing) Grunge sounded like it was made with only 3 guitar chords and random words that seemed brilliant together and rhymed. It was rough, polished and aggressive. Think Meat Puppets, Mudhoney, Soundgarden.

Grunge slowly died down though a few years after Kurt's suicide. Kurt Cobain was so iconic for our generation that a lot of us probably still remember what we were doing on the day he died.

Indie and alternative music was crossing over into mainstream radio. Some personal faves of mine include Stone Temple Pilots, Live and Blind Melon.

I.m.h.o., that bee girl is already a kind of a 90's trademark.

Of course there were the glam rock remnants in bands like Extremes and Mr. Big who gave us the heart-rending More Than Words and To Be With You respectively. Guns n'Roses came out with the Use Your Illusion twin album (Hey, remember that the cover design had hidden demons?) Of course Aerosmith was surviving (and thriving) like a stubborn cockroach, helping launch the careers of Alicia Silverstone and Liv Tyler through their music videos.

In the local scene, The Dawn was breaking up. Meanwhile, the Eraserheads were making a mark with their in-your-face, laid-back UltraElectoMagneticPop. Other pop-rock bands like Color It Red and True Faith were gaining press. RiverMaya's frontman in those days was Bamboo; the RiverMaya as we know it today were all still in high school back then themselves. A lot of underground bands were gaining some mainstream popularity. Karl Roy was then with the funk band Advent Call. Parokya Ni Edgar was yet a bunch of Ateneo high school boys who performed as a novelty act in their school.

Stage diving (popularized by Peter Gabriel and Iggy Pop back in the '60's) was once again commonplace at rock concerts; crowd surfing was its 90's addendum. The pogo dance (Sid Vicious' innovation in the 70's punk scene) evolved into its more violent version - slamdancing. The mosh pit had taken shape.


Talking about early 90s fashion is incomplete without mentioning the supermodels. In those few years, the voluptuous, sculpturesque glamazon was preferred over the skinny waif (that is, before the waif frame was revived by 17-year old Kate Moss in the mid-90s). Supermodels (like the Trinity [Linda, Cristy and Naomi] and Cindy, Claudia, Niki and Tyra) were international superstars who wouldn't get out of bed for less than $10,000.

People gladly left the big hair, spandex and shoulder pads in the '80's; dressing down became more preferable. In tandem with the music scene, grunge "fashion" (actually, anti-fashion) was significant. It was seen even on the runways and endorsed by big-name designers. A not-so-put-together look was considered cool. Ratty jeans (not acid-washed - that was passe) were good ware. Mismatched prints were acceptable if you could pull it off. Faded bold prints were acceptable. Especially if it was a plaid long-sleeved button-down tied around your waist, as popularized by Seattle grunge boys (it was not originally a fashion item but an accessory to keep warm in the Seattle cold, but we kids in this warm, tropical country followed suit anyway because it completed the look).

Kurt and Courtney

I personally liked grunge fashion because you didn't have to put so much effort into it. You could look all disheveled, throw on a few rad accessories and call it "sloppy chic" or whatever. I though it was just perfect for the awkward teenager stage because it somewhat allowed you to be your laid-back self and gave you an excuse not to try to look like a glamazon.

Girly-grunge included a button-down granny dress (over a shirt or not) opened halfway up, or a worn with boots and / or a floppy hat.

If you weren't the rocker type, you might have liked homeboy chic Hip Hop fashion. Guys wore oversized shirts with enormous, low-waist jeans and back-flipped caps. Girls had tight-fitting ribbed tees, worn over pants or shorts with varying-width vertical stripes in 4 or more colors. A single large "X" - on a shirt, cap, large belt buckle or pendant - was the ubiquitous (but unknown) tribute to Malcolm X. Bling necessary.

And for some reason there was friction between rockers and hiphoppers.

If you preferred neither style, you wore polo shirts (courtesy of the likes of Giordano, LaCoste or Bennetton) over clean blue jeans (preferably straight-cut and soft denim) or knee-length khakis. Hooded shirts were cool for a while too. You wore Tretorn sneakers or Mojo sandals (the kind with velcro sraps) with thick, slouchy socks.

But whether you were a rocker or a hiphopper, a prep or a skateboarder, you agreed that Doc Martens were rad footwear - or at least the cheaper knockoffs were.

Speaking of footwear, we loved our rollerblades.

Bell-bottom denims and chunky platform shoes were back with a vengeance. Cuffed jeans were considered cool.

It was already chilly in October, and it stayed that way until mid-February (not like now when it's unpredictable but relatively warm all year), which was favorable for showing off our jackets. In those years, class jackets were not the typical high-school-movie jackets; 2-tone hooded windbreakers were in fashion.

Big, frizzy 80's hair fast became a fashion faux-pas. A one-length page boy was cool. It was preferable for long hair to be straight - like Cristina Pecson's or Bianca Araneta's in those shampoo commercials. Ang gaang gaang ng feeling... Bangs were thin and wispy, or longish and swept to the side with mousse. We used to laugh at the thick, square, straight bangs that are once again popular today; back then we considered them as passe as 8o's legwarmers. Girls who were a bit more confident sported the short, edgy cut made famous by Demi Moore in Ghost.

Boys had their tresses shorn toward the base and longer on top.

The in fragrances were Calvin Klein's Obsession and Eternity, Drakkar, Paco Rabanne - stuff teenagers couldn't afford but swiped from their parents. Of course there were the less-expensive colognes that all had that clean, lemony scent: Angel's Breath, Nenuco.

The chunky fashion accessories of the 80's and of today were nowhere to be found in the 90's. The thing back then was silver. There was even this thing made popular - i.d. chokers or bracelets with metal cube beads. If you could, you bought one for your best friend and boyfriend as well.

Our prom dresses were not pastel-colored princess ball gowns (those were corny things that belonged on Molly Ringwald). Dark colors were more popular than brights for formal wear. The little black dress was the thing if you dared.

and then ...

Just before we graduated, World Youth Day was held in Manila. After about a week or two of rehearsing songs and other WYD-related things at our own schools (Tell the wooooordl, tell the world of his looooove), we converged at Luneta with youths from other parts of the globe. Pope John Paul II was there to preside over it.

I remember getting into a spat with my (very pronouncedly) Catholic English teacher because I said I didn't care about seeing the pope. I already previously had gotten into several tensed moments with that particular teacher and I just didn't know when to stop, and neither did she. The great thing about her is that she never took things personally and still gave me the good grades I deserved. I thought it rather tropic that she was the one who witnessed me do my "hooray I'm getting out of this school" cheer on graduation day.

(to be continued)